Rent places in AMS in Mexico

Solutions made of lists to rent places for AMS for their tasks

Trust Link offers a place in technological sites located in Mexico. Our portfolio includes objects that contain anterior-ascense structures up to 250 meters high.

Advantages of renting places in AMS

You will not have to wait for the approval and installation of equipment for more than 6 months.

Expand the coverage area throughout Mexico without agreements with the AMS’s AM owners.

Try business ideas with a minimum budget without building your AMS.

Get discounts on the rental of seats for AMS and a period of grace during the duration of the design work.

To whom the rental of seats will be adapted for AMS

Regional Communication Operators

Expand the coating and close the areas of the shadow

Meteorological companies

Collect information about the temperature and wind profile

Organizations that introduce security systems

Configure fire monitoring and other safety systems

Internet service providers

Provide Internet stable to the maximum number of customers

State and private institutions

Organize a special connection

Terrestrial and digital radio stations​

Expand aerial coating


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+351 30 052 74 69

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Leading TIC equipment supplier team since 2015

Solve problems that arise in your business and help build a connection between businesses, people, ICT equipment and technologies.

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